What do I need to do?
We are required to verify our customers for various reasons including for safeguarding purposes, to confirm your identity and to protect against fraud. We may be able to do this through confirming your details and resetting your account or we may ask to review your documents.
You can help by having the right documentation to hand in case we need it:
- First, read what our document requirements are so you are prepared (see section below),
- Next, click the button below to chat with Customer Services who will help you get reactivated.
Once you click this button, the article will reload at the top and live chat will take around 10 seconds to display.
What documents do you accept?
Proof of ID
One Photo ID (not expired) from the following list:
- Passport
- Driving License
- National ID (including Residence Permit which will need to be uploaded under the National ID option when prompted on site)
Proof of Address
One of the following as Proof of Address (making sure your full name and address are shown and the document is dated at the top):
- Utility bill (less than 6 months old)
- Copy of a bank statement (less than 6 months old)
Other important information
- We accept PDFs, JPEG, JPG and PNG file formats for upload.
- Traditional bank statements as well as prepaid/ digital banks are accepted e.g. Revolut, Monzo etc. Statements must be dated at the top, we do not accept transaction date.
What documents do you not accept?
There are several documents that we would not accept which are listed below:
Proof of ID
- Bus Passes
- Paper Driving Licenses
- Public Services Card (IRE)
- Age Care (IRE)
- NHS Card
- UK Citizens Card
- Applications Registration Card
Proof of Address
- Receipts
- Invoices
- University Letters
- P60/P45
For more information around Verification Documents and the rules around this process, you can read our article here.