This article explains what Net Deposits are and why you may be unable to withdraw to your preferred payment method as a result of them.
Why can't I withdraw to my chosen payment method?
If you have received an error message like the below, when attempting to make a withdrawal, you are unable to withdraw due to the Net Deposits Rule.

If you have received a different error message, read our article here.
What Are Net Deposits?
Net Deposits are the difference between the Total Deposits and Total Withdrawals you've made on a particular payment method, such as a debit or credit card. The Net Deposit figure is worked out simply by taking the Total Withdrawals amount from the Total Deposits amount to arrive at a Net Deposit amount.
- If you have deposited more than you have withdrawn to a payment source you will have positive Net Deposits.
- If you have withdrawn more than you have deposited to a payment source you will have negative Net Deposits.
Example: Deposits are made totalling £150.00 and Withdrawals are made totalling £100.00. This means that the Net Deposit Total is £50. This is a positive Net Deposit amount.
This would be the same process if you are using euros.
How does this impact me and how can I resolve this?
The aim of the Net Deposit Rule is to keep Net Deposits as close to £0.00 as possible. It is a regulatory requirement for us to do this. As a result you must withdraw to each payment method at least the total amount deposited before you are able to withdraw any additional funds via another chosen payment method.
If you have not followed this process accordingly, you will receive an error message (see below image). The error message you receive advising that you can't withdraw will state which card/method you need to withdraw to, and the amount required, to help resolve this issue.
This would be the same process if you are using euros.

For example, you deposit £70 from your Visa Card and £50 from your Mastercard into your Sky Betting and Gaming account. Therefore, your Net Deposits from your Visa Card are £70, and your Net Deposits from your Mastercard are £50.
After some betting success, the 'Available to Withdraw' balance on your account is £500, and you want to withdraw £150. You would prefer to withdraw this £150 to your Mastercard, but before you can do this, you will need to 'Close the Loop' and balance the Positive Net Deposits on your Visa Card. Therefore, you need to withdraw £70 back onto your Visa Card, making the Net Deposits on that payment method £0 before you can withdraw the rest onto your Mastercard.
If, using the above example, you would prefer to withdraw the £150 back onto your Visa Card, you would need to withdraw £50 back onto your Mastercard before making the withdrawal, which would exceed the Net Deposit on your Visa Card.
This would be the same process if you are using euros.
Want to discuss this with one of our team?
If you have followed the above steps and are still unable to resolve your issue, select the 'Net Deposit Chat' button below to speak to our team.
When you click this button the article will reload and the chat will take a few seconds to appear:
Net Deposit ChatWhere can I find my Net Deposit amounts for each payment method?
Your Net Deposit amount will show on your withdrawals page, next to your payment method so you can understand which the best card is to choose to withdraw to before embarking on this process:

This information is also highlighted on the Manage Payment Methods screen where your total deposit and withdrawal amounts from a particular method are listed alongside it:

What do I do if one of the payment methods I am being suggested to withdraw to is no longer in use?
In most cases you should be able remove the card no longer in use online from the Manage Payment Methods tab; find out how in our Removing and Updating your Card article. However, if the card you are being asked to withdraw to is no longer in use and you are unable to remove it due to outstanding net deposits, there are two options.
1. If the card has expired or been cancelled and you have been issued a direct replacement card (with the same bank), you can amend the old card details by selecting 'edit' on the Manage Payment Methods tab - and inputting the new details.

2. Alternatively, if the card is no longer in use and you have switched banks or closed your account, you would need to provide proof of ownership of the card to have it removed. In this instance, please send us:
- A photo of the card, showing only the first 6 and last four digits of the long card number.
- A bank statement that shows a Sky Betting and Gaming transaction from that card that matches transaction/s on your Sky Betting and Gaming account.
You can do this by clicking the 'Remove a Card Chat' button below.
Remove a Card ChatWhen you click this button the article will reload and the chat will take a few seconds to appear.
Unfortunately, we can't remove a card with outstanding net deposits until either a direct replacement card has been added, or until you have provided proof of ownership of the card.
If the card is still in use, you must withdraw the positive net deposit value to this card before it can be removed.