How will I know if I am excluded from receiving free bets?
If your account has had a restriction applied to it, you will receive an email from us which details the limitations applied to your account, including the impact to your eligibility for promotional offers.
Why am I excluded from receiving free bets?
Betting Behaviour
On occasion, reviews by our Trading Team highlight accounts which require tighter liability management. These accounts will not be permitted to participate in offers.
Patterns of betting which indicate an attempt to abuse promotions, or engage in activity that is against the spirit of our promotions, will also result in a restriction being applied. Notice will be provided in advance of any such restriction being applied. For more information around our promotional terms, read our General Sky Bet Promotion Terms article.
Fraudulent Behaviour
Any account which is reasonably deemed to be involved in fraudulent activities will have a restriction applied. The impact of that restriction will be clearly set out in an e-mail to the account holder. In addition, any such accounts will be subject to our fraud policies, outlined in our Sky Betting and Gaming General Terms & Conditions article under the heading 'Fraud and Cheating'.
Can I find out why my account was excluded from receiving free bets?
As per our Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to remove the availability of free bets and bonuses from any account. As such, we are not obliged to provide further information in relation to this matter.
Can I still use my Sky Bet account?
Unless you have received communication from us stating otherwise, your account will remain active to use on Sky Bet.
Will a free bet exclusion be reviewed/removed?
Whilst such restrictions are reviewed routinely based on account activity, they are not done so on request and such decisions are not taken lightly.
What happens if I have qualified for a free bet this week?
Any free bets earned prior to a restriction being applied will be credited as usual.